Nominated Cause
This is the official discussion thread for the cause Hatteras Island Meals. Its EIN is 20-5653811 and it's a public charity based in Buxton, NC. Research more info about the cause on GuideStar and Charity Navigator.
We provide nutritious meals for lunch on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday to elderly or homebound clients.
Hatteras Island Meals provides nutritious meals for lunch five days a week to elderly or homebound clients on Hatteras Island. Our organization is 100% donation funded and 100% volunteer staffed.
Our Mission: To serve anyone on Hatteras Island who is unable to prepare nutritious meals, who has no one to help with meal preparation, who requires short term assistance while recovering from an illness or medical condition, or requires long term meals.Delivery to our current recipients costs $350 per day. Every donation counts and helps us fulfill our mission.
Also read Charitocracy's blog post about Hatteras Island Meals!